Plan blocked drug store shelves video - abc news, Transcript for plan b blocked from drug store shelves. the fda will not allow girls under 17 to -- the morning after pill without a prescription. the agency's commissioner says plan b is safe for. Where buy plan plan -step®, You are about to leave the plan b one‑step website. this and other links to websites that are not under the control of foundation consumer healthcare llc (“foundation”) are provided for convenience of reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by foundation of the organization or a warranty of any type regarding the information on the website..

Plan finally hits store shelves - women' health, The wait access emergency contraception finally ! plan -step store shelves age restrictions, statement . Plan : hhs prevents morning pill hitting drug, Dec. 7, 2011— -- .. department health human services secretary kathleen sebelius today blocked plan morning pill hitting drug store shelves, countering recommendations. Plan store shelves - st. louis business journal, Don’ morning pill store shelves . fda decided tuesday purchasing age plan -step emergency contraceptive lowered 17 15 .
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